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There is more to analysis than just reporting study findings. When it comes to the Human Factors process, there are many stages where thoughtful analysis is needed and LHF provides services for each one.
For example, by conducting a task analysis, we help clients understand how they should design the user interface of their product and ensure the operational flow between different steps/states is logical. We often help clients with medical devices develop a use-related hazards and risk analysis (URRA), which then informs the scope and design of the HF validation study. Furthermore, we frequently perform heuristic / expert reviews, examining the usability of software, documentation, products, and labeling while considering the known use problems of similar or predicate devices.
With our help, clients gain a better understanding of their product and the market, allowing them to make strategic plans.
Task Analysis
Behavioral, cognitive, and hierarchical task analyses
Workflow mapping
Risk Analysis
Use-related hazards and risk analysis (URRA)
Use failure mode and effects analysis (uFMEA)
Fault tree analysis
Product Analysis
Heuristic analysis
Expert review
Gap analysis
Known use problems research
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